(未顯示同一使用者於中間所作的 3 次修訂)
第1行: 第1行:
<nowiki>#</nowiki>uEmJzKE3eq #AYn/GnS00Q

第14行: 第14行:
I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks
I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks

I am a broken window during Friday.
I am a broken window during February

My bones crack on a nightly basis
My bones crack on a nightly basis
第20行: 第20行:
I fall from elegance for my awkward sadness
I fall from elegance for my awkward sadness

I sometimes belve that I don't belong aroud people
I sometimes believe that I don't belong around people

that I belong to all the leap days that didn't happen.
that I belong to all the leap days that didn't happen.
第29行: 第29行:

but you hear the echoes
but you hear the echoes
---- 大吉🐇 万事 意🐇
---- 翻到这里肯定是想看彩蛋吧?啊不对真的会有人翻到这里吗?也许是20 后?
  既然 此就玩个游戏好了:
A 躺在桌子上面睡觉
B 用各种方式试图破坏这个桌子
C 趴在桌子下面
D 祈祷桌子变成美少年
E 祈祷桌子变成美少女
F 祈祷桌子变成猫
G 祈祷桌子能和你说话
H 用桌子撞四面墙看看能不能撞碎出去
I 在桌子上不断练习跳高,看看能不能摸到天花板
J 用桌子角之类把自己弄出伤口,用血画符来逃出房间
K 同上,但是用血写下遗书证明自己来过
L 把桌子吃了
M 拍打桌子,来点儿音乐
N 拆解桌子以后,用零件刮腿毛
O 拆解桌子以后……哲学♂
P 拆解桌子以后,用尖头自戕
Q 拆解桌子以后,嗑桌子各部分的CP
R 拆解桌子以后,用零件做成别的形状
S 拆解桌子以后,钻木取火
T 拆解桌子以后,刮墙粉玩
U 拆解桌子以后,把它们变成小木棍然后玩平衡游戏
V 直接用指甲刮墙粉玩儿
W 利用墙面学习飞檐走壁
X 吃墙粉自戕
Y 一直站在里面练习军姿
Z 利用桌子练体操
嗯……发现能做的事情还真挺多。那么你选择:(  )(请务必填写)

於 2023年1月21日 (六) 17:06 的最新修訂


I am not a graceful person

Anna Peters

I am not a graceful person

I am not a Sunday morning or a Friday sunset

I am a Tuesday 2am

I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks

I am a broken window during February

My bones crack on a nightly basis

I fall from elegance for my awkward sadness

I sometimes believe that I don't belong around people

that I belong to all the leap days that didn't happen.

The way light and darkness mix under my skin has become a storm

You don't see the lighting

but you hear the echoes

兔年大吉🐇 萬事如意🐇