
於 2022年11月13日 (日) 14:40 由 北欢對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (创建页面,内容为“* 文案推推,虽然是有点心灵鸡汤的感觉,但还是希望有人能喜欢 ―――――――――――――――――――― * 1.要按照自己喜欢的节奏来,不看别人,心就不会慌,东张西望的,容易摔倒 To follow their favorite rhythm, do not look at others, the heart will not panic, looking around, easy to fall * 2.为了心中的美好,不妥协直到变老 For the good in your heart, do not compromise until…”)
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  • 文案推推,雖然是有點心靈雞湯的感覺,但還是希望有人能喜歡


  • 1.要按照自己喜歡的節奏來,不看別人,心就不會慌,東張西望的,容易摔倒

To follow their favorite rhythm, do not look at others, the heart will not panic, looking around, easy to fall

  • 2.為了心中的美好,不妥協直到變老

For the good in your heart, do not compromise until you grow old

  • 3. 放鬆點,不用和每個人都要好,也不用被每個人都喜歡

Relax. You don't have to be friendly and liked by everyone

  • 4.花自向陽開,人終往前走

Flowers open to the sun, people eventually move on

  • 5.與自己成為朋友,才能聽見萬物迴響

Be friends with yourself, and you will hear the echo of everything

  • 6.拿起畫筆,希望每一筆繪畫都是澄淨的未來

Pick up the brush, I hope every painting is a clean future

  • 7.別埋怨你現在生活得不夠美好,因為,這還不是結局。

don't blame yourself for not having a good life now, because this is not the end.

  • 8.日月兩盞燈,春秋一場夢。

it was a dream with two lanterns.

  • 9. 真正的平靜,不是避開車馬喧囂,而是在心中修籬種菊。

the real peace was not to avoid the noise of cars and horses, but to build a chrysanthemum in her heart.

  • 10.你要一直努力着,適應着這個世界的溫度,不管是季節還是人心。

you have to work hard to adapt to the temperature of this world, whether it is season or human heart. ―――――――――――――――――――― (寧願做自己被人討厭,也不願做別人被人喜歡.North.)