
Utopia Publishing House留言 | 贡献2019年6月11日 (二) 21:27的版本 (创建页面,内容为“小确幸”一词的意思是微小而确实的幸福。 小确幸的感觉在于小,每一枚小确幸持续的时 间3秒至3分钟不等。小确幸就是这…”)
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小确幸”一词的意思是微小而确实的幸福。 小确幸的感觉在于小,每一枚小确幸持续的时 间3秒至3分钟不等。小确幸就是这样一些东西:摸摸口袋,发现居然有钱电话响了,拿起听筒发现是刚才想念的人;你打算买的东西恰好降价了;完美地磕开了一个鸡蛋;吃妈妈做的炒鸡蛋排队时,你所在的队动得最快;自己一直想买的东西,但是很贵,一天你偶然的在小推便宜的买到了;当你运动完后,喝的冰镇透了的饮料一一“唔,是的,就是它"它们是生活中小小的幸运与快乐,是流淌在生活的每个瞬间且稍纵即逝的美好,是内心的宽容与满足,是对人生的感恩和珍惜。当我们逐一将这些“小确幸”抬起的时候,也就找到了最简单的快乐。 The word "small and true happiness" means small and true happiness. It comes from Murakami's essays and is translated literally by Lin Shaohua, a translator, into modern Chinese. The feeling of small fortune is small. Each small fortune lasts from 3 seconds to 3 minutes. It's such things as touching your pocket, finding that the rich phone rang, picking up the receiver and finding the person you just missed; the things you were going to buy just fell in price; knocking an egg perfectly; queuing up with scrambled eggs made by your mother, your team moved fastest; what you always wanted to buy, but it was very expensive, and one day you occasionally bought it cheaply in a small push; when you were lucky. After the movement, the ice-cold drinks are "oh, yes, that's it." They are the little luck and happiness in life, the fleeting beauty flowing in every moment of life, the inner tolerance and satisfaction, the gratitude and cherish of life. When we lift these "little fortunes" one by one, we find the simplest happiness. 什么是幸福? 有人说:“幸福,是不再用失意的眼光面对五彩斑斓的世界。 有人说:“幸福,是可以用双手碰触,感受指尖传来的温度。” 有人说:“幸福,是听见琴键按下那一刻进发出的音符。” 什么是幸福?幸福看不见,摸不着,也听不到,它只是一种感觉,可能是生活中微小而确实的幸福,也可能是稍纵即逝的美好。 每天早上睁开眼,看到照进房间的一束阳光,感受着它带给我的丝丝暖意。起床后,牛奶与面包的混合带给味蕾的满足。走在上学的路上,静静聆听风吹落叶的声响。即使学业再累,教室里依然混合着青春与活力的气息。晚上睡觉时电热毯带给我温暖。生活中的点点滴滴,就是属于我的微小而确实的幸福。 What is happiness?Some people say, "Happiness is no longer to face the colorful world with disappointed eyes.Someone said, "Happiness is touching with both hands and feeling the temperature from the fingertips."Someone said, "Happiness is the note that comes in and goes out when the keys are pressed."What is happiness? Happiness can't be seen, touched or heard. It's just a feeling. It may be a tiny and real happiness in life, or a fleeting beauty.Every morning when I open my eyes, I see a bunch of sunshine coming into my room and feel the warmth it brings me. After getting up, the mixture of milk and bread brings satisfaction to the taste buds. Walking on the way to school, listening to the sound of the wind blowing leaves. Even if the school is tired again, the classroom is still mixed with youth and vitality.The electric blanket warms me up when I go to bed at night. Every bit of life belongs to my tiny and real happiness.

书面表达(共1小题:满分25分) 大家都在追寻快乐,人人都想生活在快乐当中。但是,有的人认为有钱就是快乐。很多人对如何获得快乐感到迷茫(puzzled)。假如你是李华,请你以 "How Can We Be Happy?" 为题,谈谈你的看法。 要求: 1.词数:80~100 (开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数); 2.可适当发挥,文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名字。

How Can We Be Happy 

All the people are looking for happiness. But many people are puzzled about how to find it.

资料 http://www.happiness.travel/happiness/where-is-happiness