User:Admin/Wiki Setup:修订间差异

第62行: 第62行:
exit $RETVAL
exit $RETVAL
In <code>./parsoid/api/localsettings.js</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
* This is a sample configuration file.
* Copy this file to localsettings.js and edit that file to fit your needs.
* Also see the file ParserService.js for more information.
exports.setup = function( parsoidConfig ) {
// The URL of your MediaWiki API endpoint
// We pre-define wikipedias as 'enwiki', 'dewiki' etc. Similarly for
// other projects: 'enwiktionary', 'enwikiquote', 'enwikibooks',
// 'enwikivoyage' etc.
// Optionally, you can also pass in a proxy specific to this prefix
// (overrides defaultAPIProxyURI), or null to disable proxying for
// this end point.
parsoidConfig.setInterwiki( 'localhost', 'http://localhost:8020/api.php' );
// A default proxy to connect to the API endpoints. Default: undefined
// (no proxying). Overridden by per-wiki proxy config in setInterwiki.
// parsoidConfig.defaultAPIProxyURI = '';
// Enable debug mode (prints extra debugging messages)
parsoidConfig.debug = false;
// Use the PHP preprocessor to expand templates via the MW API (default true)
//parsoidConfig.usePHPPreProcessor = false;
// Use selective serialization (default false)
parsoidConfig.useSelser = true;
// Allow cross-domain requests to the API (default '*')
// Sets Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
// disable:
//parsoidConfig.allowCORS = false;
// restrict:
parsoidConfig.allowCORS = '';
// Allow override of port/interface:
//parsoidConfig.serverPort = 8000;
//parsoidConfig.serverInterface = '';
// The URL of your LintBridge API endpoint
//parsoidConfig.linterAPI = '';