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What is happiness?Some people say, "Happiness is no longer to face the colorful world with disappointed eyes.Someone said, "Happiness is touching with both hands and feeling the temperature from the fingertips."Someone said, "Happiness is the note that comes in and goes out when the keys are pressed."What is happiness? Happiness can't be seen, touched or heard. It's just a feeling. It may be a tiny and real happiness in life, or a fleeting beauty.Every morning when I open my eyes, I see a bunch of sunshine coming into my room and feel the warmth it brings me. After getting up, the mixture of milk and bread brings satisfaction to the taste buds. Walking on the way to school, listening to the sound of the wind blowing leaves. Even if the school is tired again, the classroom is still mixed with youth and vitality.The electric blanket warms me up when I go to bed at night. Every bit of life belongs to my tiny and real happiness.
What is happiness?Some people say, "Happiness is no longer to face the colorful world with disappointed eyes.Someone said, "Happiness is touching with both hands and feeling the temperature from the fingertips."Someone said, "Happiness is the note that comes in and goes out when the keys are pressed."What is happiness? Happiness can't be seen, touched or heard. It's just a feeling. It may be a tiny and real happiness in life, or a fleeting beauty.Every morning when I open my eyes, I see a bunch of sunshine coming into my room and feel the warmth it brings me. After getting up, the mixture of milk and bread brings satisfaction to the taste buds. Walking on the way to school, listening to the sound of the wind blowing leaves. Even if the school is tired again, the classroom is still mixed with youth and vitality.The electric blanket warms me up when I go to bed at night. Every bit of life belongs to my tiny and real happiness.


於 2020年6月25日 (四) 11:42 的最新修訂


小確幸」一詞的意思是微小而確實的幸福。 小確幸的感覺在於小,每一枚小確幸持續的時 間3秒至3分鐘不等。小確幸就是這樣一些東西:摸摸口袋,發現居然有錢電話響了,拿起聽筒發現是剛才想念的人;你打算買的東西恰好降價了;完美地磕開了一個雞蛋;吃媽媽做的炒雞蛋排隊時,你所在的隊動得最快;自己一直想買的東西,但是很貴,一天你偶然的在小推便宜的買到了;當你運動完後,喝的冰鎮透了的飲料一一「唔,是的,就是它"它們是生活中小小的幸運與快樂,是流淌在生活的每個瞬間且稍縱即逝的美好,是內心的寬容與滿足,是對人生的感恩和珍惜。當我們逐一將這些「小確幸」抬起的時候,也就找到了最簡單的快樂。 The word "small and true happiness" means small and true happiness. It comes from Murakami's essays and is translated literally by Lin Shaohua, a translator, into modern Chinese. The feeling of small fortune is small. Each small fortune lasts from 3 seconds to 3 minutes. It's such things as touching your pocket, finding that the rich phone rang, picking up the receiver and finding the person you just missed; the things you were going to buy just fell in price; knocking an egg perfectly; queuing up with scrambled eggs made by your mother, your team moved fastest; what you always wanted to buy, but it was very expensive, and one day you occasionally bought it cheaply in a small push; when you were lucky. After the movement, the ice-cold drinks are "oh, yes, that's it." They are the little luck and happiness in life, the fleeting beauty flowing in every moment of life, the inner tolerance and satisfaction, the gratitude and cherish of life. When we lift these "little fortunes" one by one, we find the simplest happiness.



有人說:「幸福來自我們內心,而不是外界」(約瑟夫•紐頓《人生何求》) 有人說:「幸福,是不再用失意的眼光面對五彩斑斕的世界。 有人說:「幸福,是可以用雙手碰觸,感受指尖傳來的溫度。」 有人說:「幸福,是聽見琴鍵按下那一刻進發出的音符。」 什麼是幸福?幸福看不見,摸不著,也聽不到,它只是一種感覺,可能是生活中微小而確實的幸福,也可能是稍縱即逝的美好。 每天早上睜開眼,看到照進房間的一束陽光,感受著它帶給我的絲絲暖意。起床後,牛奶與麵包的混合帶給味蕾的滿足。走在上學的路上,靜靜聆聽風吹落葉的聲響。即使學業再累,教室里依然混合著青春與活力的氣息。晚上睡覺時電熱毯帶給我溫暖。生活中的點點滴滴,就是屬於我的微小而確實的幸福。 What is happiness?Some people say, "Happiness is no longer to face the colorful world with disappointed eyes.Someone said, "Happiness is touching with both hands and feeling the temperature from the fingertips."Someone said, "Happiness is the note that comes in and goes out when the keys are pressed."What is happiness? Happiness can't be seen, touched or heard. It's just a feeling. It may be a tiny and real happiness in life, or a fleeting beauty.Every morning when I open my eyes, I see a bunch of sunshine coming into my room and feel the warmth it brings me. After getting up, the mixture of milk and bread brings satisfaction to the taste buds. Walking on the way to school, listening to the sound of the wind blowing leaves. Even if the school is tired again, the classroom is still mixed with youth and vitality.The electric blanket warms me up when I go to bed at night. Every bit of life belongs to my tiny and real happiness.


小圓是一個12歲的女孩,他住在一個普通通通的街區。 在學校,她和其他孩子一樣,正常的學習,正常地交往。 家庭不算甜蜜,不算冷淡,父母偶爾爭執。父親有一罐茶葉,幾根香菸,家中有人給開水的熱水壺,隨手可取的牙籤,光線恰好的小窗。母親把她所不喜歡吃的菜蔬堆在她的飯碗上,使她無法下筷。搶走她的零食。因為青春的叛逆,面對母親的嘮叨,她有時會感到厭煩。以學業繁重為由,他幾乎從不做家務。 因為考試作弊,被老師發現他不敢回家,害怕被媽媽責罵,就都在笑胡同里偷偷哭泣。 她日夜祈禱,希望逃離學習的苦海,家裡「優待」的虐待。 每天睜開眼睛的時候是快樂,閉上眼睛的時候也是快樂的,整日唱著快樂的歌,玩著快樂的遊戲,不用做作業,也不需要擔心未來更不會被任何人管教,只要快樂就夠了。 這一天是母親的生日,她對母親吼了一句,然後奪門而出。 他偷偷給母親買花。 小圓,我最喜歡滿天星了,她想起以前她說過的話。 於是她走到一家小小的花店裡。 花店小小的,無數花朵被精心擺放著,美麗芬芳,纖塵不染。 她被被一株不起眼的康乃馨所吸引,淡綠色的,像很嬌嫩的草。 因為囊中羞澀,她花錢只買了一束。 女店主端坐在那裡,下肢癱瘓,卻穿著樸素的衣裳,把頭髮梳得漂漂亮亮,微笑著招呼客人,還得一張一張撫平那些亂糟糟的零錢。閒下來時,她就低下頭用絲線編織些小飾物,整個世界都在她的手上呢:花店的鮮花,天空的雲朵,海上的浪花,草原的野芳……她驚訝地發現,她對這個世界的情感已豐富到不正常的程度。 她離開了花店,帶著幾點不安,終於自己回到家,對母親說了句對不起,把花送給了母親。 母親擦乾了她眼角的淚。來自那一刻,媽媽流的是幸福的眼淚。 「安,你是媽媽最好的孩子。」 從此,每天媽媽送上牛奶時,會道一聲謝謝;在父親伏案工作時,她殷勤的送來一杯茶,父親認為這才是香茗。 她學習更用功了,對待別人更有禮貌。 每天早上睜開眼,看到照進房間的一束陽光,走在上學的路上,朵朵白雲在天空上飄蕩。即使學業再累,教室里依然混合著青春與活力的氣息。 上課回答問題,收穫了被老師表揚時的滿足感。課下,老師終於留下下半節課的自由活動時間。考試成績公布,結果比上一次進步了幾名。 那永不枯萎的笑容,曾告訴她幸福的理由。


「你要看點什麼?」小姐訓練有素,禮貌而又有分寸。她不說「買什麼」,以免強加於人。 這時,從外面又走進一人,多爾先生瞥見那人正是剛才的小乞丐。小乞丐很是認真地逐個端詳櫃檯里的鮮花。「你要看點什麼?」小姐這麼問,因為她從來沒有想小乞丐會買。 「一束萬壽菊。」小乞丐竟然開口了。 「要我們送給什麼人嗎?」 「不用,你可以寫上『獻給我最親愛的人』,下面再寫上『祝媽媽生日快樂!』」 「一共是二十美元,」小姐一邊寫,一邊說。 小乞丐從破衣服口袋裡嘩啦啦地掏出一大把硬幣,倒在櫃檯上,每一枚硬幣都磨得亮晶晶的,那裡面可能就有多爾先生剛才給他的。他數出二十美元,然後虔誠地接過下面有紙牌的花,轉身離去。 這個小男孩還蠻有情趣的,這是多爾先生沒有想到的。 火車終於駛出站台,多爾先生望著窗外,外面下雨了,路上沒有了行人,只剩下各式車輛。突然,他在風雨中發現了那個小男孩,只見他手捧鮮花,一步一步地緩緩地前行,他忘記了身外的一切,瘦小的身體更顯單薄。多爾看到他的前方是一塊公墓,他手中的菊花迎著風雨怒放著。


大家都在追尋快樂,人人都想生活在快樂當中。但是,有的人認為有錢就是快樂。很多人對如何獲得快樂感到迷茫(puzzled)。假如你是李華,請你以 "How Can We Be Happy?" 為題,談談你的看法。


1.詞數:80~100 (開頭和結尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數);


How Can We Be Happy 

All the people are looking for happiness. But many people are puzzled about how to find it.

資料 http://www.happiness.travel/happiness/where-is-happiness