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标签移动版编辑 移动版网页编辑
Juice2333留言 | 贡献
标签移动版编辑 移动版网页编辑
第370行: 第370行:
[https://github.com/akakoori/drrrbot/wiki/DRRRBot-%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E%E4%B9%A6 超时空链接]
[https://github.com/akakoori/drrrbot/wiki/DRRRBot-%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E%E4%B9%A6 超时空链接]

"!gif" requires one parameter, a keyword. Nagisa will return a gif depending on that keyword.
Example: !gif cat
"!pls" requires one parameter, the Video ID of the video you would like to share. Nagisa will share the chosen video via the Music Player.
Example: !pls RKa78YYYO-g
Note: This can take up to 1 minute. It breaks sometimes.
"!plss" requires one paramater, a search query. Nagisa will search on YouTube, using your query and return the first result she finds via the Music Player.
Example: !plss Kana-Boon - Full Drive
Note: This can take up to 1 minute. It breaks sometimes.
Ask Nagisa a question!~
Example: !q Do you like me?
"!throw" requires one parameter, the object you want to throw! Nagisa will throw the object of your choice! Be careful though, it might return back to you.
Example: !throw table
"!translate" requires 3 parameters, the selected language, the target language, the query. Nagisa will translate your query to the target language.
Example: !translate en ja I like you.
Note: Make sure to use language codes!
A list with language codes can be found here.
Nagisa will help you manage your life.
Example: !advice
"!number" requires one parameter, a number. Nagisa will tell you a cool fact about the chosen number!
Example: !number 10
"!year" requires one parameter, a year/number. Nagisa will tell you a cool fact about the chosen year!
Example: !year 2010
(Even Nagisa can't bypass the 130 char-limit. )
"!ship" requires two parameters, username1 and username2. Nagisa will use a complex algorithm, developed by the one and only Exii, to calculate the love between username1 and username2!
Example: !ship Drass Ursa
Example: Yes.
(We have implemented a chat AI into Nagisa.)
"!report" reqiures 2 parameters, the username you want to report and the reason. If ever something happens to you, just report it to us using Nagisa! She will send a message directly to our Discord Server and we'll try to help you out as fast as we can!
Example: !report Claire Stanfield: She has been harassing me! O:
Note: Make sure to always put ":" after the username you want to report, 
it's used to tell our program, where the username ends.
